Sunday, October 30, 2016

Tweeting your way to a stronger PLN

Your Personal learning Network (PLN) is a fancy way of saying how you connect with other people to continue learning. How you do this is different for everyone, but this week I dove into finding new, digital ways of exploring and expanding my own PLN. One of my favorite PLN tools is Twitter! Not sure what Twitter is or how to create an account? Click HERE for a quick and dirty rundown! I use my classroom Twitter account almost daily in a couple different ways. First, and foremost, I use Twitter to share information, announcements, and student work! Twitter is a fantastic platform for students and PARENTS to see information and pictures of what is going on in your classroom! The students absolutely love seeing themselves and their work being tweeted out and parents love the idea of getting that glimpse of what their student is working on in class delivered right to their smartphone or computer. 

If you're already using Twitter, the video below gives some great tips on how you could take your classroom Twitter to the next level! 

Additionally, I use Twitter to connect with other teachers and educational companies! Because you can search hashtags on Twitter, you can find tweets about nearly any topic. I love searching #edtech to see what people are talking about and what resources and tools are being shared around! It is a quick and easy way to pulse what's new in the Ed Tech world! As you've heard me say before, I don't have TIME to do anything but take a quick pulse on just about anything! 160 characters is just what I need to easily browse through, find what I want and pass by what I don't! 

Interested in Ed Tech? Check out the Twitter users below who tweet out some fantastic Ed Tech based resources, tools, and articles! 

- @ShakeUpLearning
- @spearheadedtech
- @coolcatteacher
- @WilCodilla
- @KerryHawk02

Interested in searching some Ed based hashtags? Try searching up the hashtags below to find some amazing users, articles, resources, tools, and more!
- #edchat
- #edtech
- #edtechchat
- #GoogleEdu
- #CSEdu 

Don't forget to follow ME on Twitter @MissKingSMS for more #edtech and #EnglishEd tweets!

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