Saturday, November 12, 2016

All you REALLY need in life is Google Drive...

In a previous post I talked about all things Google, including Google Drive. This week, I explored even further in the world of the drive and found some features and add ons that I wish I had known about even sooner. As mentioned before, Google seems to get better and better the further you explore!

The first feature that I stumbled across was an Add-On in drive that allows you to annotate PDF files. This add-on is called Kami and I can't wait to share it with some of my colleagues! Watch the short video below for a better explanation. 

As a teacher who is nearly paperless now, Kami is really the last feature I needed. Additionally, Kami has worked really hard to make this tool work especially for teachers. Are you already using an LMS and want to incorporate Kami into that? 

The second feature within drive that I find exceptionally useful is Google Forms. I know that I have written about Google Forms previously, but Google just keeps finding ways to make it better and better! Last time I explore Google Forms I made mention of the awesome add-on Flubaroo and how it made grading quizzes within Google Forms a breeze! Google apparently took notice to how many people were using Flubaroo because at the end of the summer, they began offering self grading quizzes as an option within Google Forms! It is limited to multiple choice, true false, drop down option questions, but this is still a HUGE step in the right direction for Google. The video below shows you exactly how to set this up if you're new to using Quizzes on Google Forms!


The final feature that I found useful in Google Drive was the Add-On Mindmeister! This tool allows teachers and students to create mind maps and graphic organizers quickly and easily! The layout of the tool is extremely user friendly and the Google Add-On allows you to insert a created mind map into any Google Doc or Slideshow! This would be great for having students either create their own graphic organizers or fill in teacher created graphic organizers! (BONUS: It works on iPads!!! This is the biggest selling point for me!)

Not only is this a fantastic tool for a writing teacher to have in their back pocket, but it Mindmeister also allows multiple users to be working on the same mind map or graphic organizer at a time. This collaborative feature makes this a useful tool for a teacher of just about any content!

Still not convinced you need to check it out? Watch the video below to get a better understanding of Mindmeister's capabilities and uses in your classroom!

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