Friday, September 2, 2016

Custom Google Search Engine

This week in my exploration of all things Google I dove into all the interesting features of the Google Search engine. Having done numerous research projects myself while getting my undergrad, I felt fairly comfortable with filtering through content to find specific file types, publication dates, and specific or generic titles (If you are not familiar with the filtering options available to you in your Google Searches already, Click HERE to see a step by step guide of how to do this). These are fantastic features and I use them frequently, but the one feature that I was not familiar with and that completely blew me away was that I could create a CUSTOM Google Search engine for my students to use when researching!

Each year I teach a research and informative writing unit over Computer Science topics. Computer Science is something that I feel is exceptionally relevant to my students and also something they really enjoy exploring and getting involved in. That being said, it is a constant battle to find up to date information and content that is also reading level appropriate for 6th grade students.... BUT. THIS. CHANGES. EVERYTHING. Google allows you to input specific websites that you want your students to be able to search within. From the list of website you put in, the search then looks for any keywords the students type in, but ONLY on those specific sites. Some of the sites I chose to use can be seen in the image below.

Since I have students at, above, and below grade level in reading, I included sites like News ELA, Scholastic News, TIME for kids, Discovery Ed, and Kids, Code, and Computer Science to ensure that the materials my students were finding were all appropriate for them to read. Give it a shot below! Since this was for a Computer Science research topic, type in any computer science related keyword (robotics, virtual reality, coding, 3D printing, etc.) and see what my custom Google Search Engine brings up for you!

This will make research so much easier for my students AND I will know that they are taking notes over quality material as well as citing quality sources. Additionally, this takes out the risk that they might stumble across articles that are way higher than their current reading level or articles that may not be age appropriate for them to be reading. You can also customize how the search bar looks in terms of color, font, size, etc., and you can manipulate the layout of how your students' search results will look on their screen! Interested in giving it a try for yourself (and your students!)? The video below gives a step-by-step tutorial on how to create your very own Custom Google Search Engine!

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